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Oakley Holidays is committed to protecting the personal information you give to us and to being transparent about the information we hold about you. This privacy notice sets out how we collect, use and store your personal information. 


We use your information in accordance with all applicable laws concerning the protection of personal information (which include the General Data Protection Regulation, the Data Protection Act 2018 and all related data protection laws in the United Kingdom).


This notice is to help you understand how and why we collect your personal information and what we do with that information. It also explains the decisions that you can make about your own information. 


If you have any questions about this notice, please talk to Russel Bailey or Helena Derbyshire, who are Trustees of the Oakley Holidays (their details are and (the “DP Trustees”). 


What is "personal information"? 


Personal information is information that Oakley Holidays holds about you and which identifies you. 

This includes information such as your name, date of birth, email and home addresses, and photographs as well as things like medical details and records of your attendance at Oakley Holidays. 


What personal information does Oakley Holidays have about me and how is it collected?


We set out below examples of the different ways in which we use personal information and where this personal information comes from. The primary reason for Oakley Holidays using your personal information is the administration of the holidays that we run and to keep you safe. 


Application forms give us lots of personal information. We get information from you (and if you are under 18, your parents or carers) each holiday that you attend so that we can organize the holiday and care for you. This personal information includes your name, address, date of birth and contact details for your parents, carers or next of kin.


Each holiday that you attend we require a medical form from you (or a parent if you are under 18) because we need to know whether you have any medical conditions, allergies or there is any other medical information that we need to be aware of to look after you and keep you safe.  We also need to be able to contact your usual doctor and parent or carer to assist in your care.


Everyone who attends the parties who is aged over 16 is required to apply for a DBS check.  This will identify if you have a criminal record that might prevent you working with children.  We do this to safeguard the younger members of the holidays and keep a record of the results to demonstrate that we have undertaken the check. 


We maintain a contact list that includes your name, email address and home address.  This enables us to keep in touch with you and send you information about our holidays, reunions and our newsletter and other Oakley publications.  We also share a version of the contact list (with your name and email address only) with the current attendees of holidays so that they can stay in touch.  If you object to your information being shared in this way please let a Trustee (or, during a holiday, your dorm leader) know.  The Trustees’ details are available on the Trustee's page and via the link below.

We keep your contact information after you have stopped attending the holidays that we run so that we can keep in touch and inform you of any events for Oakley Alumni.


We also keep records of our holidays in the form of photographs, newsletters, dorm lists, tournament lists, signatures in song books and in our brochure.  We endeavour not to identify children who are currently at the holidays in photographs that are shared with anyone who has not attended that holiday and current attendees are not identified on social media.


Why does Oakley Holidays collect and use personal information? 


We collect this information to help the holidays run properly, safely and to let others know what we do at the holidays. Here are some examples: 

  • We use your contact information to keep in touch between the holidays that you attend, invite you to further holidays and reunions and to let you know about what we have been up to.

  • When planning a holiday and the activities at the holiday we may look back at past records, for example to ensure that you experience a mix of people in dormitories and teams and to plan tournaments and other activities.

  • During the holiday we need to know if you are allergic to something, need to take medication or might need extra help with some tasks. 

  • If you are over 16, we need information about any court orders or criminal matters which relate to you so that we can safeguard the welfare and well-being of the other people on our holidays. 

  • We will only share your information with other people and organisations when we have a good reason to do so. For example, if someone is injured at a party, we may need to share information with medical staff, the police or our legal advisers or to help with a legitimate inquiry. Where it is necessary to share your personal information, we will limit the personal data that we share to the minimum required for the purpose for which it is requested and the recipient will only be able to use personal data for the specific purposes for which it was shared.  We do not share information for marketing or similar purposes.

  • Where we have previously received permission we may use photographs or videos of you for the Oakley Holidays website or brochure to show prospective attendees what we do.  If you have concerns about us using photographs or videos of you, please speak to a Trustee or, during a holiday, your dorm leader.

  • We publish news about the holidays, including photographs, in our newsletters and on the Oakley Holidays website to celebrate what we have been doing.   The newsletter is sent to all current and recent attendees at our holidays.

  • We may keep details of your address or email address when you leave so we can send you the details of any reunions or other events for Oakley Holidays Alumni. 

  • ​

If you have any concerns about any of the above, please speak to a Trustee or, during a holiday, your dorm leader who may refer to one of the DP Trustees. 


Our legal grounds for using your personal information 

Please see follow the link below for details of the legal grounds that we rely on to handle your personal information. 


Sending information to other countries 


We do not intentionally send your personal information to other countries but this might happen where we communicate with you or your parents when you are overseas (for example, if you holiday in a different country) or, because the holidays are run by volunteers who use their own email and internet accounts, if one of our volunteers uses a server that is outside the UK. 


For how long do we keep your information? 


We keep your information for as long as we need to in order to enable you to participate in our holidays and in order to comply with our legal obligations. 


For example, information about participants at our holidays is generally stored for no more than three years after the last holiday that they attended. If we have a legitimate organisational interest in holding such data for a longer period of time (for example so we have a record that a DBS check has been completed, relevant information relating to an injury at a party, to keep in touch with alumni or to keep a photographic or written record of the holidays) then we will do so, however no data is kept for any longer than is reasonably necessary and always subject to the principle of data minimization (meaning that we keep no more than we need). 


What decisions can you make about your information? 


Your rights are as follows: 

  • You can ask us to correct any information that is incorrect; 

  • You can also ask what information we hold about you and be provided with a copy. We can also give you extra information, such as why we use this information about you, where it came from and what types of people we have sent it to; 

  • You can ask us to delete the information that we hold about you in certain circumstances. For example, where we no longer need the information; 

  • You can ask us to send you, or another organisation, certain types of information about you in a format that can be read by computer; 

  • Our use of information about you may be restricted in some cases. For example, if you tell us that the information is inaccurate we can only use it for limited purposes while we check its accuracy.

The DP Trustees can give you more information about your data protection rights. 


How we keep your information safe 


We have appropriate security measures in place to prevent personal information from being accidentally lost, or used or accessed in an unauthorised way. We limit access to your personal information to those who have a genuine need to use it (for example only our treasurer will have access to information about your or your parent’s bank from processing payments, only our secretary will have access to your application form and during a holiday medical forms are held by the medical officer and relevant medical information is available only to those who need to know that information for your care). Those processing your personal information will do so only in an authorised manner and are subject to a duty of confidentiality. 


The transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although we will do our best to protect your information, we cannot guarantee the security of your information transmitted to our website or otherwise to the servers used by the volunteers who organize our holidays (such as by email). Once we have received your information, we will use the procedures and security features available to us to try to prevent unauthorised access. 


We will notify you and any applicable regulator of a suspected data security breach where we are legally required to do so.


Further information and guidance 


This notice is to explain how we look after your personal information.  Russel and Helena, the DP Trustees, can answer any questions that you might have. 


Please speak to a Trustee if: 

  • You object to us using your information for marketing purposes e.g. to send you information about events organised by Oakley Holidays. We will stop using your information for marketing purposes if you tell us not to; or 

  • You would like us to update the information we hold about you; or 

  • You would prefer that certain information is kept confidential.


Changes to this notice 


This information was last updated in April 2019. We may make changes to the information on this page so you may wish to check back from time to time. The amended information will apply from the date it is posted on the site and will govern the way in which we collect and use personal information from then on. 


If you have any questions on this notice, please contact Russel or Helena, the DP Trustees. 

Oakley Holidays is registered as a Data Controller with the Information Commissioners Office. 

© 2024 by Oakley Holidays

Legal Privacy

Established in 1919

Registered Charity No. 1093381

Limited Company No. 4487467

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