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We aim to support charities at each Oakley event organised during the year.


At the Easter and Summer Holidays a collection is taken in support of four or five local, national and international  charities. These are suggested by members of the Holiday who have a  personal involvement or connection with them. 


Small change from the sweet tuck shop is fed to Megabucks, an ever-hungry piggybank,  and the money given to The Neem Tree Trust which provides financial help to St. Luke’s Leprosy Hospital in southern India.


Oakley has supported St. Luke’s since 2006, with leaders Ed Nussey and Layla Shafiq both paying visits there – further details under separate heading.


The Leaders run their own charity activity such as guessing the weight of a melon, to help to raise the total of donated money. New Leaders choose £100 of aid, such as seeds, from the Oxfam catalogue.


At events away from the Holiday weeks such as the Annual Leaders’ Conference and regional reunions we organise a fun competition in  support of a charity selected  by those attending. 

Charities Supported in


Working with disabled people 


Sunflower Sisters, Northumberland
Helping Ukrainian families in UK
The Stroke Association
Rehabilitation and support 
UK Med
Instant mobile hospitals in disaster areas worldwide
Maggie's Centres
Cancer support 
Supporting disadvantaged families in Uganda
Motor Neurone Disease, Scotland
Support and treatment 
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